Sakuraidani Elementary School is located in a quiet residential area in north Toyonaka.
There are about 600 students at grades one to six. Our school has facilities such as a playground, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a computer room and a science laboratory. In addition, we have a paddy field where they can experience farming rice, the Japanese staple food. We have various school events, such as an athletic meet, theatrical and musical performances. Parents and the community are cooperative to our school, which makes it possible for all of us to work together to nurture our children.


Name Sakuraidani Elementary School
Principal Hiroko  Deguchi
Location 3-11-1 Shibaharacho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0055 Japan
Tel +81-6-6841-0025
Fax +81-6-6857-4935
Number of pupils

625  (as of Apr. 8, 2024)

Number of classes


Regular class : 19, Special class : 8 (incl. hospital class) 

Number of school staff 45