
Many of the children with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds attend Sakuraidani International Class.

開催日時:水曜日放課後~午後4時30分/Day and time:Wedsneday,aftaer school-4:30pm

通常の活動内容/Regular day activities  宿題をする(必要に応じて支援員がサポートします)/Do homework (Instructors assist as needed) 運動場で遊ぶ/Play in the school ground 日本語での本読みや日本語学習をする/Read books in Japanese or learn Japanese 帰りの会をおこなう(子どもたちが進行役をつとめます)/Have homeroom(Chidlen lead homeroom)

学期末の活動/Term-end activity 保護者と先生方を招いて発表会をします。Presentation Day takes place at the end of each term.Guardians and teachers are invited.