学力向上タイトル He wishes you have a fun time in school.   

千里 九「ケビン先生とスティーブ先生の授業を受けるのも今日で最後です。お二人の先生ありがとう。」


Go ahead!


ケビン先生お別れ放送 (写真1)



 今朝、各教室でPINPONとチャイムが鳴りました。ケビン先生&スティーブ先生のお別れ放送があったのです(写真1)。さて、先生の英語を聴き取ることができたでしょうか?約6ヶ月の間でしたが、九中に爽やかなENGLISHを届けてくれました。感謝!感謝!感謝!Good luck in the future.スティーブ先生の授業

 スティーブ先生 教えてくれた英語の楽しさを(左写真)

 スティーブ先生、最後はサメゲームで締めくくった。Go ahead(写真2)! 先生の人を引きつけてやまない笑顔の授業は忘れない。

  The さめ game is just like the famous game called “hangman”. In the game, the AET chooses an English phrase, but only writes short lines for each letter in the phrase. For example, for the phrase “summer vacation”, the AET writes “_ _ _ _ _ _  /  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _”. 

 スティーブ先生ラストメッセージ Thank you for making me feel welcome at your school! I enjoyed visiting all of you in your classrooms, and also chatting with many of you outside of class.I also enjoyed hearing from some of you about your future dreams. If you work hard, you can make your dreams come true! I am sad to be leaving this great school. Good luck in the future. I will be rooting for ALL of you. Take care, Steve 


 ケビン先生 スティーブ先生ラストメッセージ(写真3) To all the kind teachers and students of Dai9chu:

 “I bid you all adieu as you advance or graduate this year. I wasn’t here for very long, but nonetheless, I was very thankful to your school for having me. I got to know a lot of you, and hope what you’ve learned from me in English class has made a cultural impact or a lasting impression on your language capabilities. I’ll never forget the fond memories I made here  at Dai9chu, and wish you all the very best of success in your future.”  (世の中、思いどおり。) ~Kevin Kalinocha~ 


Let's have fun last day together!